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Q&A for MCO period
Leading Through A Pandemic : A Transformation Webinar Series

Webinar 1: Moving Forward Post Covid-19
The World Health Organisation (WHO) had declared the covid-19 a pandemic and many governments, including Malaysia, has initiated lockdown measures to contain the spread.
As organisations and SMEs in the Machinery & Equipment (M&E) and Engineering Suport Services (ESS) sectors around the world attempt to navigate these unprecendented times, we invite you to be part of a webinar series exploring what it takes to lead through the uncertainty.
What Will You Get From This?
This webinar is structured to provide you with:
- INTERNATIONAL overview of Covid-19’s impact on respective industries
- Sharing of ideas and plans for IMMEDIATE measures to curb the impact
- Insights to their LONG TERM measure – solutions for the way FORWARD
Who will Benefit From This?
SME, industry player, manufacturer, consultant or part of the supply chain for the M&E and ESS sectors
Join us and our panelists:
1) Mr Ravi Sehgal, Chairman,
Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC)
2) Mr Tiong Khe-Hock, President, Malaysia Automation Technology Association (MATA)
3) Mr. Richard Teh, President, Penang Foundry & Engineering Industries Association (PENFEIA)
4) Mr Lee Kim Lai, President, Selangor & Federal Territory Machinery Merchants Association (SAFMA)
5) Mr Colin Koh, Past President, Singapore Industrial Automation Association (SIAA)
Date : 23 April 2020 (Thursday)
Time : 9.00pm to 10.30pm (GMT+8)
Platform : Zoom/Youtube Live
Moderator : Datin’ Lorela Chia, Chairman-Central Region, Small and Medium Enterprises Association (SAMENTA) Malaysia
Registration is FREE
Register at https://mtexpo.com.my/webinar/
The webinar link will be emailed to you just before the event.
Covid-19 Relief Measures
Malaysia-China Trade Exhibition 2019
Malaysia-China Trade Exhibition 2019
PWTC,Kuala Lumpur
10 shell scheme exhibition booths are out for grab.
(RM2000/booth) Please register with SAFMA Secretariat to eligible for balloting. Closing & Balloting date:
17/9/2019 @ 12:00 noon
at SAFMA Meeting Hall
Remark: The above
booths are open to All SAFMA members for registration.