Safma Events

Leading Through A Pandemic : A Transformation Webinar Series

Webinar 1: Moving Forward Post Covid-19 The World Health Organisation (WHO) had declared the covid-19 a pandemic and many governments,…

Malaysia-China Trade Exhibition 2019

2019广东(马来西亚)商品展览会 Malaysia-China Trade Exhibition 2019 日期Date:7-9/11/2019 地点Venue:吉隆坡太子 世界贸易中心 PWTC,Kuala Lumpur 10个展览标准展位有待申请,(每个展位RM2000)有兴趣者请向本会秘书处登记,以符合参与抽签。截止及抽签日期为:17/9/2019中午12时正本会会议厅 10 shell scheme exhibition booths are out for grab.…